Meet the Team – Jim Archambault

Meet Jim Archambault - Integration Engineer The products and services at The HCI Solution are developed by highly skilled engineers. One of those is the brilliant Jim Archambault.   Jim is an Integration Engineer who develops and maintains the user interface for one...

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Meet the Team – Samantha Cameron

Meet Samantha Cameron. Many of you have already had the pleasure of speaking with Samantha for a variety of business-related issues. However, this is your opportunity to really get to know the person behind the voice on the phone. What Samantha Cameron Does for The...

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Be Prepared for the Expected and Unexpected

You may have noticed more and more hospitals are making the decision to upgrade systems. Nowadays updates and upgrades are important; they offer more advanced security, ease of use, and enhanced integration and workflow features. Hospitals have found themselves in a...

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Data Definitions – Finding Where the Data Lives

What is this term “Data Definition” that everyone is always talking about? Okay, I admit maybe not everyone is talking about data definitions, but it is a common term thrown around for us folks that work in the MEDITECH space. Especially for those involved with...

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